Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Trash or News? The Line Gets Blurrier Every Day!

As I sat down to peruse the online newspapers for fodder for my week nine blog, I realized that my head was not in the right place to be working on homework. There were hundreds of different snippets racing through my head, and not one of them (okay maybe just one or two) had to do with homework.

This past Sunday my sister came to stay with me because Monday was fall break at Jamestown College. She is currently lying on the couch across from me with a mask covering her mouth and nose. You see, I didn’t think she looked well on Sunday so I took her to the walk-clinic. We found out she has pneumonia!

The last couple of weeks at work have been sheer hell. Everyone has decided that my assistance is their one true desire, and projects have been heaped upon my desk and just today upon the floor of my office.

I am the district’s United Way campaign chairperson and I realized that last year at this time we were finishing up with our yearly campaign. This year I haven’t even written my first letter to our staff!

As I look around my house I see laundry that needs to be done and surfaces that need to be dusted, vacuumed, or swept. In a nutshell, I have a lot of stuff going on, and I’m sure a lot of you guys do too!

Now that I’ve laid that groundwork, I would like to discuss an article that was the front page of MSN today. This article is about Carrie Prejean, the former Miss California who lost her title because of a failure to fulfill her commitments, a violation of her contract. Prejean was also in the news when she responded to a question about same sex marriage by stating that she believed marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Now, Prejean is back in America’s spotlight. She is being sued by the competition director for the money they spent on her breast implants! Is there anything to say here besides “wow!”? I personally couldn’t of anything for a few minutes. After the shock wore off, though, I came up with a couple of things…

First, I cannot believe that MSN is wasting their time talking about this. It is reminiscent of some of the trash that the Fargo Forum prints because they have nothing better to talk about. I would love for someone to point out to me where it became a rule that trash was better than no news at all.

Second, the pageant’s lawyers brought the Bible into their lawsuit, quoting the Gospel of John. I don’t care how many people say that religion is everywhere and belongs everywhere; this is one place where the Bible does not belong: in a lawsuit about money for breast implants!

Now that I have wasted five minutes of everyone else’s day with this ridiculousness, I am going to go see a man about a vacuum!


  1. Heather,
    I feel your pain. My house is a wreck. My project list seems to be reproducing every time I cross off something at the top--two new things pop up at the bottom.
    I agree wholeheartedly that it is beyond crazy to cite the Bible as any kind of supporting evidence as to why she should pay back money for breast implants. First, why is the pageant paying for her breast implants? Second, why is she getting breast implants for the pageant? Third, where does John ever talk about breasts period? I'm going to have to go back and read that one again....
    Tiny irony here--we balk at MSN wasting space talking about this, but then here we are talking about what a waste it is to talk about it! :)

  2. I agree that the news gets more garbage in it every day. I blame it on the 24-hour cable news networks who have to fill their channels with new stuff all the time. It used to be that news shows would be a half hour long and cover the most important stuff. Now they like to focus on stuff like Carrie Prejean's breast implants, balloon boy, octomom, and Jon and Kate. The sad thing is, I don't think this is going to change.

  3. Heather,

    I hear you when it comes to workloads. I constantly feel overwhelmed and like I never have enough time in the day to get everything done that I want to. I have been a lot less stressed out since I stopped procrastinating so much. I tend to over analyze everything and do far more than every assignment asks for, so in short I create more work for myself than I need to have. So it’s kind of my own fault that things take me so long to complete.

    Entertainment news is infiltrating normal news more and more everyday. I think that those two things need to remain separate. The fact of the matter is that many people are more concerned with what they favorite celebrities are doing than by worldly events that may or may not directly affect them. It’s sad, but true.

  4. Hi Heather,

    Don’t you just love multitasking? I know that life, especially one that involves lots of college course work, gets to be absolutely crazy.

    Last semester I worked full time, ran a major fundraiser for a non-profit organization, volunteered 50 hours, was the social secretary for all of our friends, found out my husband was taking a new job in Maryland, moved 1200 mile north, and watched my first grand daughter be born.

    Remember to smile, say to heck with the laundry, check your budget to see if you can hire a cleaning service once a month and know I absolutely agree with you about the breast implants – how petty.

    I hope your sister feels better.

  5. Being overwhelmed with work and projects seems to be the story of my life. I find it even more overloading now that I am a senior and doing senior class work that I just can’t keep up at all. I try to do a little at a time which I thought would make it easier for me but then I found that I have no down time for myself and then I get even more overwhelmed. I guess I can’t complain too much I was sitting in Vegas only hours ago and am now relaxing at my parent’s house before I fly back down to Baton Rouge and the crazy thing of life.
    I find it harder and harder to find something of substance to write about in my blogs because the things I find on the web from news reports seem to be so pointless and meaningless it’s not even worth my time to read let alone worth your time as classmates to read over and further more comment about. I liked your ending to your blog and it made me laugh so I am glad you still have a sense of humor even if you are stressed to the max.
